Aloha! My name is Hannah Telluselle and I’d like to build and host an organic wellness center. I hope you can join me in developing it into a meeting place for all of us, who love dancing barefoot through life, receive coaching towards personal growth, create new ideas, live organic and find fellowship while we discuss society.

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I have a background in advertising as a professional copywriter, based on Berghs School of Communication in Stockholm, Sweden, with about a decade of work experience both for business-to-business clients and with customer oriented marketing. I also have the equivalent of an international Master’s degree in Workscience and Organizational Change, that founded my next career as a motivational speaker and Lifecoach. My passion however, is to dance, preferably Hawaiian Hula and Isadora Duncan, which always makes me feel happy, loving and inspired!

I believe in creating beauty and fostering compassion with a sense of justice to be applied in life. I believe we should care for ourselves, others and earth, which becomes the natural extension when we’ve really learned to practice self-care. To be eco-friendly as a way of living, and relating to nature. This will be seen in a special designed house, to be an inspiration. As a manager and CEO, I like my colleagues to be better than I am at what they do, while I provide creative freedom and support, owning it together.

I’ve written two books about my life in Sweden and the United States, where I share how many of our meetings can become life-lessons as life-giving blessings. I present real experiences and focus on healing and developing awareness of our feminine and masculine aspects within, as well as needs.

Find more about me at Learn more about the story behind the development of Telluselle Living Center here.

Contact: or by phone +46 700784754